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the best brioche pairings

the best brioche pairings

pick a spread or make a meal!

We know you’ve been wondering all this time: “where is the list of best brioche pairings?!” So say no more. Here it is for you and your family’s taste buds! First, let’s start with the common pairings that are usually for breakfast (or brunch) and snack time and then let’s go into more refined palates.

what are yummy spreads to have with french brioche?

When we talk about the common pairings, we’re most often thinking of the savory taste chocolate hazelnut spread brings to the buttery brioche, or the fruity taste that your favorite jam brings to our tongues. You can probably add salted butter and honey to the list! The argument for salted butter is simple: just the fact that it’s essentially butter added to butter. It can only be good! On the other hand, honey brings a sort of sweetness to french brioche bread that isn’t matched by any other spread.

When it comes to spreads, think chocolate hazelnut, jam, butter (and a pinch of salt), and honey. 

tasty meals made with french brioche

Kids! It’s Saturday morning and the weekend is well underway. For mom (and dad, or whoever is in charge of breakfast), it’s time to prepare breakfast. What should she (or he) make? There’s freshly baked brioche bread on the counter and eggs and milk in the fridge. It sure seems like you can make some brioche french toast! Just cross your fingers that mom (or dad) has some vanilla extract left.

Delicious ways to eat french brioche - ideas & recipes


Mix the eggs, milk, and vanilla extract all together in a big bowl and add a pinch of salt. Dip the thick slices of brioche bread into the mix (make sure both sides are covered but not soaked). Once you’ve dipped the brioche bread, put the slices in a pan for 2-3 minutes each side and make sure it doesn’t stick too much (use a liberal amount of butter or oil, as you see necessary). Grab a plate, stack the slices, sprinkle powdered sugar, and top it off with sliced strawberries, blueberries, or bananas if you want! Most importantly (and this is for our Canadian friends), don’t forget to add real maple syrup. It changes everything!

Happy baking and happy eating!

Parents! It’s now Sunday morning and thankfully the kids didn’t eat the entire brioche yesterday. They’ve already ran out with their friends to play at the park and you’re probably not going to see them for lunch. This means it’s time for a relaxed late morning breakfast (what some might call brunch)! We’ve discovered a new recipe that seems very enticing. It’s brioche with honey thyme and figs (and if you’re not into figs, please ask your kids to make extra brioche french toast on Saturday). Sounds tasty right?


Delicious ways to eat french brioche - ideas & recipes

What you’re going to do is preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Take a gratin dish (butter it up) and place your thick slices of brioche in it. After that, you’re going to want to cut open the fig but not too much — just at the top. Place the open figs on the slices, add a drizzle of honey on top of the figs and brioche, and – as a final touch – add the thyme to add an extra dimension of flavor. Put the dish in the oven and let it bake for 6-7 minutes. As soon as you take it out be ready to eat! We recommend adding either a scoop of vanilla or vanilla custard to act as a cold complement to the oven-warm brioche. A perfect balance!

Easy baking, easy family!

Usually, if you eat french brioche in the morning or for brunch, you should be set for the day. Maybe a crêpe to goin the afternoon (as a snack) and a good plate of vegetables for dinner!

We do encourage you to bake with your families and try different recipes with brioche, and, who knows, maybe tomorrow we will receive an email with the most amazing brioche recipe ever discovered! That would make us happy 

Happy baking to all!!

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